Our Team

Lukasz started his medical career very early. He was only 5 when he prevented very infectious diseases among his teddy bears by vaccinating them with a borrowed syringe from his dad. This was only the first step to his veterinary adventure.

Now he is an experienced vet with 14 years of working experience, he graduated from the Wrocław University, he was running a successful practice in Poland and then decided to see the world and moved to the United Arab Emirates where he had the opportunity to work and develop his skills in the clinics working with amazing vets from around the world.

Lukasz moved with his family to the Isle of Man in 2015 and he fell in love with the stunning views of the island. In his free time he loves walks with his family and his two lovely but silly dogs. Lukasz claims that a friendly and approachable attitude is crucial in his work. He loves his job and he believes that his patients deserve not only exemplary care but also full dedication.